
Breaking the Cycle

How do I break the alcoholism cycle out of my family?  It's been with us for generations.  I've been around people that drink booze since I was in my mother's womb.  
If you look at the word "cycle" in the dictionary, you would read the following: cy·cle  (skl) n. 1. An interval of time during which a characteristic, often regularly repeated event or sequence of events occurs
The cycle of alcoholism, that interval of time, where an event or series of events have been regularly repeated has been in my family for generations and generations. I have to break it, so that my children don't suffer and hurt their bodies like I have done!
My mom
She is a quiet alcoholic now. She is quiet now because she likes to drink until 2 am all alone. Growing up, I remember mom being angry all the time and resentful. She always seemed to be cursing and drinking her rye and water. She never seemed happy when we were around (my sisters and I). We never participated in any sports or extra-curricular activities and now that I'm older I sometimes wonder if it's because she didn't want to drive us around. (we were 5 girls at home). I often was responsible to look after my sisters while mom and dad went out. My friends would wait for me at the mall and I didn't show up or I was extremely late.
I recently asked mom why she was so angry. She told me that she was resentful toward me because dad would go out drinking all the time and would leave her to care for me. He would telephone her to pick him up at the bar and leave me in my crib alone in the appartment. I appreciate mom being honest with me and I have come to terms with the fact that I believe mom was doing the best she could with what she knew.
Mom's siblings drank a lot too. We often visited with them and it was always a party. It became more fun for me to visit them when I became of drinking age. I got to drink with them and party and get attention my own ways. I didn't seem to crave mom's attention as much. I remember her always loving toward her sister and brothers. It sometimes drove me nuts and I did feel extremely jealous.
Mom brought me to the bar on my 19th birthday. Heck! That was fun! I even won a diamond ring. Once I was introduced to that place it became my 2nd home for a very long time. The alcohol gave me the confidence to talk to people, meet them, dance and mingle. I got pregnant at the age of 19 of course...being totally oblivious to the fact that I may get pregnant. Met a guy just like alcoholic...
My mom visits me a few times a year now....we are in different cities. When she comes, we can polish off a two-four in no time. Her paying no attention to my children just brings back those childhood memories of me craving her attention. ...and I sometimes wonder why my daughter does the things she does...the cycle !!!
My dad

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